
"My personal vision and goal in life is to care for women's health, with respect and dedication, in order to listen to their concerns and guide them with responsibility. After 20 years of experience in hospitals in Athens and England, the management of pregnancy and childbirth is my personal vision. The clinic provides gynaecological counselling to adolescents following international guidelines with particular sensitivity. Menopause and its complications are also a very important chapter of my specialty with therapeutic approaches that are constantly being enriched. Fully aware of my role as a health worker, I place myself at the service of women's health."
- University of Patras, Faculty of Medicine (1998 - 2005)
- Postgraduate program - Certificate of Specialized Training "Human Reproduction" Medical School. National Kapodistrian University of Athens., Medical School. National Kapodistrian University of Athens. (2013 - 2014)
- Postgraduate Internship Program in Endoscopic Gynaecological Surgery and Urogynaecology, Matera Hospital, Athens (2014 - 2015)
- ALSG, Advanced Life Support in Gynaecology (2015)
- ALSO, Αdvanced Life Support in Obstretics (2015)
- North Middlesex Hospital, London, UK, Basic Practical Skills in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, (2016)
- RCOG, Princess Anne Hospital, UK, ROBuST 0perative Birth Simulation Training (2016)
- Croydon University Hospital, UK, Episiotomy, 3rd&4thdegree tears /hands-on workshop (2016)
- Joint RCOG/BFS meeting, London, UK, Subfertility & Reproductive Endocrinology & Assisted Conception Theoretical Course, (2017)
- PROMPT- annual training, UK, Practical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training Course (2015 – 2021)
- Dr Aldo Vacca, Vacca Academy, UCL, London, UK, Masterclass in Vacuum Assisted Delivery (2019)
- London ,UK, CTG Masterclass by Mr Edwin Chandraharan, (2020)
- Neoventa Academy, Annual training, UK, Fetal Monitoring with ST Analysis (2019 – 2020)
- Neoventa Academy, London, UK, Physiological CTG & Fetal ECG Masterclass (2021)
- Neoventa Academy, London, UK, Masterclass on Massive Postpartum Haemorrhage, (2021)
- The Academy – ESGE, Bachelor Level 2- GESEA Certification Programme (2020 – 2022)
Professional experience
- Gynaecologist - Gynaecologist, Private Clinic, NEA ERYTHRAIA (2022 - Today)
- Specialist Obstetrician-Gynaecologist, SOUTHEND UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, MID AND SOUTH ESSEX, ENGLAND, UK (2018 - 2021)
- Specialist Obstetrician - Gynaecologist, Wexham Park Hospital Frimley NHS Trust, Buckinghamshire , ENGLAND, UK (2015 - 2018)
- Resident in Obstetrics - Gynaecology, "Elena Venizelos" General Hospital of Obstetrics, ATHENS (2012 - 2015)
- Resident in Gynecology, "Agios Savvas" General Cancer and Oncology Hospital of Athens, ATHENS, GREECE (2010 - 2012)
- Resident in Surgery, General Hospital of Lefkada, Greece (2008 - 2009)
- Rural Doctor, K.Y. Ithakis, Ithaki (2006 - 2007)
Participation in conferences
- Physiological CTG & Fetal ECG Masterclass Neoventa Academy, London, UK, (2021)
- CTG Masterclass by Mr Edwin Chandraharan, London, UK (2021)
- Physiological CTG & Fetal ECG Masterclass Neoventa Academy, London, UK, (2021)
- Masterclass on Massive Postpartum Haemorrhage, Neoventa Academy, London, UK (2021)
- Masterclass in Vacuum Assisted Delivery- Dr Aldo Vacca, Vacca Academy, UCL, London,UK (2019)
- Management of the Labour Ward, Joint RCOG/BMFMS, London, UK (2019)
- Early Pregnancy & Emergency Gynaecology, Joint RCOG/BFS, London ,UK (2018)
- 5th Panhellenic Congress of Gynaecological Endoscopy Hellenic Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy (2015)
- Basic Laparoscopic Techniques Seminar "Basic Laparoscopic Skills Course" (2015)
- Clinical Tutorial: 4th Panhellenic Congress of Urogynecology & Pelvic Floor Disorders (2014)
- 4th Training Seminar on Thrombosis & Anti-thrombotic Treatment (2013)
- 3rd Seminar:Obstetric Perineal Injuries. Theoretical & Practical Seminar (2012)
- Clinical Tutorial: 4th Panhellenic Congress of Urogynecology & Pelvic Floor Disorders. (2013)
- 2nd Congress of the Hellenic Society of Gynecology and Robotic Surgery Theoretical and Hands-on course (2011)
- Diagnostic and Interventional Hysteroscopy Theoretical and Hands-on course (2011)
- 8th Colposcopy training Course of the European Federation of Colposcopy and the Hellenic society for the pathology of cervix and colposcopy (2011)
- Seminar and practical training in colposcopy. Hellenic Society of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (2010)
- 2nd Conference on Fertility Preservation in Women with Gynaecological Cancer (2014)
- 9th Congress On Women’s Health & Disease. (2014)
- 12th European Seminar on Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology. (2012)
- Special Session of the Hellenic Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2014)
- Symposium on Controversies in Obstetrics (2014)
- Endoscopic Surgery of the Female Genital System - Special Session of the Hellenic Society of Reproductive Medicine (2013)
- 17th Panhellenic Conference of Perinatal Medicine (2013)
- 11th European Seminar on Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology (2013)
- Training Seminar: Microbial Infections in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Centre: prevention and treatment (2012)
- Modern views on IVF (2013)
- 2nd Congress of the Hellenic Society of Gynecological- Robotic Surgery. Theoretical & Practical Seminar (2012)
- Diagnostic and Interventional Hysteroscopy, Medical School of Ioannina. Theoretical and Practical Part. (2011)
- 3rd Gynaecological Oncology Seminar. Fertility preservation in women with gynaecological cancer.( (2011)
- Seminar "Extravascular Tumours. Dilemmas and Challenges. Athens Medical School- ESGO- IGCG.(2010)
- 8th Colposcopy training Course of the European Federation of Colposcopy and the Hellenic society for the pathology of cervix and colposcopy Hands-on Course of Colposcopy ,Iaso Hospital, (2010)
- Panhellenic Conference of Pediatric - Adolescent Gynecology (2011)
- 26th Panhellenic Congress of Surgery. International Surgical Forum. (2008)
Foreign languages
- English
- French