Gynaecologist Obstetrician
Nea Erythraia

She is a gynaecologist-obstetrician and maintains a private practice in the area of Nea Erythraia.

Gynaecological Clinic
Vanessa Mitsi

Aiming to offer the best result with integrity, respect and long-term commitment.

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appointment now

Here for you with our core value to solve any questions you have about your health and your pregnancy.

Mitsi Vanessa MD

Gynaecologist - Obstetrician

"My personal vision and goal in life is to care for women's health, with respect and dedication, in order to listen to their concerns and guide them with responsibility. After 20 years of experience in hospitals in Athens and England, the management of pregnancy and childbirth is my personal vision. The clinic provides gynaecological counselling to adolescents following international guidelines with particular sensitivity. Menopause and its complications are also a very important chapter of my specialty with therapeutic approaches that are constantly being enriched. Fully aware of my role as a health worker, I place myself at the service of women's health."


With the aim of providing holistic care to the woman/foetus/neonate/family during the reproductive age and especially during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.


Gynecologist in New Eritrea with a branch of medicine that studies the woman's organism and her genetic system from a morphological, physiological and pathological point of view.


Last Emmenos Flow:



She investigated my case in depth


She inspired me with confidence


Experienced & knowledgeable





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At the clinic you will receive a personalised approach
to prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

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